Print ISSN: 2517-276X
Online ISSN: 2517-2778
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DOI 10.37745/bjmas.2018
Health and Medical Sciences
Health and Medical Sciences articles will be listed here.
Health and Medical Sciences articles will be listed here.
Print ISSN: 2517-276X
Online ISSN: 2517-2778
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DOI 10.37745/bjmas.2018
Call For Papers
Submissions are welcome for original and unpublished research papers.
Business and Management Sciences
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Health and Medical Sciences
Education, Learning, Training & Development
English Lang., Teaching, Literature, Linguistics & Communication
Animal Science and Vetenary
Astronomy, Geology, Zoology, Human Anatomy and Physiology
Biology and Microbiology
Bibliography, Library Science. Information Resources
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Computer Science
Civil engineering and Building construction
Earth Sciences
Ecology and Evolution
Economics and Finance
Engineering (All Aspect)
Environmental Sciences
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Geography, Anthropology, and Recreation
History, International Relation, Political Science and Administration
Law and Politics
Material Science
Mathematics, Statistics, Quantitative and Operations Research
Military and Naval Sciences
Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
Plant Science and Agronomy
Public health, Hygiene, Preventive Medicine
Sociology and Psychology
Transportation and Communications
British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies is a multidisciplinary research platform in all disciplines – Business and Management Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and Medical Sciences. The BJMAS is run by the European Centre for Research, Training and Development, United Kingdom. The journal offers an excellent platform for academics and practitioners to promote their double-blinded peer-reviewed works in any field. The purpose is to explore the field of Multidisciplinary Research directed at, academics, researchers and practitioners working in any area. This journal publishes original contributions grounded in appropriate theoretical, scientific and mathematical analysis.