British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies <p>British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies is a multidisciplinary research platform in all disciplines – Business and Management Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and Medical Sciences.The Journal provides an international forum for discussion and debate, for individual, academics and practitioners to promote their double blinded peer reviewed works on any field. The purpose is to explore the field of Multidisciplinary Research directed for, academics, researchers and practitioners working in any area.</p> en-US (British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies) (BJMAS) Sun, 19 Jan 2025 08:29:08 +0000 OJS 60 Relation Between Food Intake Pattern, Body Weight Status and Severity of COVID 19 Infection in Benghazi, Libya <p><em>The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) isolation has altered individuals’ food purchasing behavior and dietary intake patterns. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the changes in the nutritional status and body weight in relation to severity of the disease in Benghazi city during the COVID-19 lockdown. This cross-sectional study involved 206 young adults in Benghazi got previous infection. The changes in dietary intake patterns were assessed using the Dietary Diversity Questionnaire with slight modifications, while anthropometric measurements including body height, body weight before the pandemic and current body weight were self-reported. The analyzed by Chi square or T test at α&lt; 0.05 for statistically differences. Overall, nearly one third of the respondents (48.8%) gained weight during the confinement, with an average increment of 4.06 ± 3.23 kg. The subjects reported consuming less fruits and 60.2% had higher plain water intake during the pandemic. It is observed that 41.0% to 66.8% of the young adults changed their dietary intake patterns during the pandemic. Decreased consumption of cereals and grains and other foods were associated with weight loss during the pandemic. On the contrary, an increased water and other soft drink intake were associated with weight gain during the lockdown (P&lt; 0.05). The relation between degree of symptoms and body weight status revealed that with increased the diseases severity the body weight and BMI sharply increased (P&lt; 0.05). Increase the severity of diseases associated with significant reduced food intakes. In spit body weight increased. Furthermore, decreased food intake have been noticed for all food stuffs and also dietary intake patterns changed. </em></p> Hanan Mohammed Idris Abdella, Fawzia M Salem Bozaid, Ali Ateia Elmabsout Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Unpredictable Heart Rupture Clinical Case in Emergency <p><em>Heart rupture is a particularly serious clinical condition and is characterized by a high mortality rate. This pathology is usually rare and is more likely to affect older women. It often follows as a complication of a myocardial infarction and the subsequent symptomatology is stackable to that of heart failure or cardiogenic shock. In the reported clinical case, the acute heart rupture occurred in correspondence with the free wall of the right ventricle, rapidly causing an important cardiac tamponade with an unfavorable course.</em></p> William Zuccon, Michele Cacucci, Elena Bertin, Ottavia Caserini, Minoja Guja, Giovanni Viganò Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison of Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral Mobilization in Improving Pain, Rom and Functional Disability in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome <p><em>Patellofemoral pain syndrome significantly impacts daily activities in adults. Physical therapy, including targeted exercises and both patellofemoral and tibiofemoral mobilization techniques, is a primary treatment approach for managing this condition.This study aimed to compare the effects of tibiofemoral and patellofemoral mobilization on pain, range of motion (ROM), and functional disability in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome.A randomized controlled trial was conducted on 68 participants (n=34) at the Physiotherapy Department of Doctors Clinic, Samnabad, Lahore. The patients were randomly assigned into two groups: Group A received conventional treatment along with patellofemoral mobilization, while Group B received conventional treatment combined with tibiofemoral mobilization. The study spanned six months, with assessments conducted prior to treatment and weekly thereafter. Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) for pain, a goniometer for knee range of motion, and the Kujala scoring system for functional status used for assessment. The study results demonstrated significant improvements in NPRS scores, range of motion, and Kujala scores in both groups, with a p-value of 0.000. However, a comparison between the groups confirmed that conventional physiotherapy combined with patellofemoral mobilization yielded superior outcomes in reducing pain, improving range of motion, and enhancing functional status compared to tibiofemoral mobilization, with a p-value of &lt;0.05.The study concluded that patellofemoral mobilization, when combined with conventional physiotherapy, is an effective approach for reducing pain, improving range of motion, and enhancing functional status in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome</em>.</p> Minahil Tanveer, Maira Gilani, Nadia Ali, Raheel Munawar, Aqsa Akram, Sumbal Salik, Sania Maqbool Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Ethical and Theological Dimensions of Emi L’okan Politics and Its Implication for The Political Future of Nigeria <p><em>Emi l’okan (literally “it is my turn”) ideology, asserting power as an entitlement rather than democratic merit, conflicts with biblical teachings on leadership, justice, and morality. This study explores the ethical and theological dimensions of Emi l’okan, examining its impact on Nigeria's political landscape. Through textual and qualitative analysis, it juxtaposes Emi l’okan principles with biblical precepts of humility, servant leadership, and ethical governance. The research offers insights for religious leaders, policymakers, and civil society to address entitlement-driven politics, promote ethical leadership, and foster democratic values, ultimately contributing to a more equitable political future for Nigeria.</em></p> Femi Adetunji Oye-oluwafemi Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Symbolic Concepts of Transhumance [Kuwila] in The Kafue Flats Among the Tonga People of Mwanachingwala, Hamusonde and Mungaila in Southern Province, Zambia <p><em>This paper investigates the symbolic concepts of transhumance (kuwila) among the Tonga people residing in the Kafue Flats, specifically within the chiefdoms of Mwanachingwala, Hamusonde, and Mungaila in Southern Province, Zambia. Transhumance, traditionally seen as the seasonal movement of cattle, is reinterpreted in this study as a deeply symbolic practice, intricately connected to the social, cultural, and spiritual fabric of the Tonga community. Through a multidisciplinary lens, the study examines how kuwila serves as a rite of passage for young herdsmen, facilitating their journey of self-discovery and social rehabilitation. This practice is also explored as a means of reinforcing communal bonds and transmitting cultural values, particularly through the invocation of ancestral spirits and the use of ritualistic numbers, such as the number seven, which symbolizes completeness in both Tonga and biblical traditions. The research further analyses the role of cattle ownership as a pedagogical tool, essential for teaching responsibility and leadership to the younger generation. The herdsmen's deep attachment to their cattle is framed as a reflection of their spiritual and familial connections, with cattle often being named after ancestors to ensure protection and continuity. In addition to its cultural significance, kuwila is highlighted as a crucial practice for resource management and environmental sustainability in the Kafue Flats. The paper underscores the importance of integrating traditional knowledge with modern governance strategies, advocating for a holistic approach to managing the region’s natural resources. By bridging the gap between cultural practices and ecological management, this study contributes to a broader understanding of how indigenous knowledge systems can inform contemporary governance and sustainability efforts in Southern Zambia.</em></p> Michelo Manford Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Devastating Consequences of Environmental Pollution on Human Health <p><em>Environmental pollution is a growing global concern with significant implications for human health. This paper examines the various types of pollution air, water, soil, and noise and their detrimental effects on human well-being. Exposure to pollutants such as particulate matter, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals has been linked to a wide range of health issues, including respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive health concerns. The paper explores the challenges associated with addressing pollution, including the complexity of pollution sources, lack of adequate regulation, and the socioeconomic factors that exacerbate vulnerability. Furthermore, it discusses the long-term consequences of environmental degradation, emphasizing the need for urgent action to mitigate pollution through policy interventions, technological innovation, and public awareness. The impact of environmental pollution on human health underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to environmental protection and sustainable development.</em></p> Olusegun James Adigun , Donald A. Odeleye Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Use and Quality of Library Services: Implications on the Satisfaction of Students’ Information Needs <p><em>For any academic library to remain relevant to the changing information needs of its users, it has to do an assessment of the utilization of its services by its users and how such utilization satisfies information needs. Thus, this descriptive- correlational research was conducted to provide the academic library of a private university in Cagayan de Oro City with valuable information as to the quality of its services and collections as perceived by the college students. Specifically, this research determined the student users' assessment of the quality of library services, extent of use of the library collections, satisfaction of their information needs, and any significant assocaition between the quality of library services and utilization and between utilization and satisfaction of information needs. Data were collected using validated and pilot-tested questionnaires, which responses were processed using descriptive and inferential statistics. As found in this research, the quality of library services was assessed to be very good and the library materials were used to a high extent, except for the non-print materials. Moreover, the student users' academic and non-academic information needs were satisfied. The tests of relationship revealed a signicant association between the library's quality of services and utilization and between the student users' satisfaction of information needs and utilization of the library. Therefore, efforts to improve further the quality of library services should be instituted to increase utilization and to achieve maximum satisfaction of the library users' information needs.</em></p> Leonita C. Sumalinog, Rule P. Redondo, Eloiza P. Tagarda Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of Students’ Assessment of Online Library Services and Utilization of Digital Marketing Strategies on their Online Engagement <p><em>The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic made a big impact towards the libraries. As face-to-face mode was constricted, the online digital marketing strategies became a tool to bridge the gap between the library and users through the promotion of online library services and resources. The study was conducted to determine the influence of students’ assessment of online library services and utilization of digital marketing strategies on their online engagements. There were 820 Senior High School students who participated in the study. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational design and data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Online survey questionnaires were used for data collection. Findings reveal that students’ assessment of the online library services and extent of utilization of digital marketing strategies were generally high. The students’ engagement towards online library services in terms of affective and cognitive domains were high, in contrast to the behavior domain assessed as moderate. The study found that the students’ online library engagement was influenced by their assessment of online library services and their extent of utilization of digital marketing strategies. It is recommended that the librarians may assess each of the online library services to determine the satisfaction level of the students towards the services as well as continue to improve their services. The library personnel may also consider evaluating their library website as well as using other digital marketing strategies such as Email marketing and SMS mobile marketing or creating more official online accounts to LinkedIn, Viber, Snapshot, Pinterest, and TikTok to further promote their online library services and resources as well as to reach users and non-users of the library.</em></p> Eloiza P. Tagarda, Leonita C. Sumalinog, Rule P. Redondo Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 23 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 NoSQL et Machine Learning : Cas d’usage et architectures typiques <p><em>L'article explore l'interconnexion croissante entre les bases de données NoSQL et le Machine Learning (ML), soulignant leur rôle essentiel dans l'analyse et le traitement des données massives et hétérogènes générées par les entreprises modernes. Il détaille les cas d'usage, les architectures courantes et les avantages de cette association. Les bases NoSQL et le Machine Learning se complètent parfaitement pour relever les défis du Big Data. Leur combinaison permet de créer des architectures scalables, flexibles, et performantes, adaptées à des cas d’usage variés (recommandations, prédictions, détection de fraudes). Cette synergie ouvre des perspectives prometteuses pour l’intelligence artificielle et l’analyse de données en temps réel.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Pierrot Mukendi Ngalamulume , Jean Nyembue Ilunga Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Velocity Analysis of a Slider Crank Mechanism for Delta Robot Arm Manipulation: A Computational Approach <p><em>In this research, a </em><em>velocity</em><em> analysis of the slider crank mechanism's (SCM) for the delta robot arm manipulation was carried out. For the slider crank mechanism, new velocity response models were created. Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions are used in the novel Akozietic mathematical method, which is appropriate for kinematic analysis of intricate mechanisms like the four-bar mechanism (slider crank).</em><em> The equilibrium conditions of the forces in a four-bar mechanism are used in the Akozietic mathematical technique to create simple mathematical models that enable user-written computer programs in Matlab and other programming languages. According to the velocity profile, the mechanism is under the most stress when the crank angle exceeds 300°, and the velocity is lowest at 180° and 0°.The crank angles where the slider shifts direction are the locations where the velocity passes zero. The novel mathematical procedure created in this study outperformed the other two kinematic analysis methods that were currently in use, according to a comparison of spreadsheets and this new mathematical method for mechanism analysis (Akozietic) with standard numerical solutions completed in Mathematica. </em></p> Chikezie Akobuche Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of the Church in Reintegration of Street Children into Their Families in Lusaka District <p><em>The purpose of the study was to analyze the role of the church in the reintegration process and to come up with new strategies for increasing the effectiveness of these rehabilitation activities. The study objectives were to establish the type of support churches provide to the families with children on the street in Lusaka district and to assess the church-led initiatives that foster positive parent-child relationships after integration of street children in Lusaka district. A total sample of five families, 15 family members and four counsellors totaling to 19 participants made the total sample of the study. Interviews were conducted with parents and their children while a focus group discussion was conducted in this study at the sampled church grounds. Data was analyzed thematically by sorting similar responses and created themes under which the findings were presented. The study found that that under family talk on child care, it was the responsibility of the family to initiate family integration was initiated by the willingness of the family and the child at the same time. With regards to child safety and future consequences, the church had a responsibility to ensure that the family provided safety guarantees for the child before the child could be talked to by the church counsellors. On food provision to broken families, the church provided start up packs for families which were struggling to keep their children at home. the financial provision for family sustainability was available to the parents whose children were integrated into the family and the parents were helped financially with capital for business and employment as maids or guards to help them earn a living. It can be concluded that the church and parents played a crucial role in ensuring that there was effective and peaceful integration of children into the main family. The study recommended that Churches should come to the aid of the parents and homes where children have left for the streets so that family integration is supported. This will enable members of the church to feel safe to belong to the church since there will be enough help</em></p> Phiri Chinyama Daniel Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Possible Challenges in The Implementation of the Disability Policy under the Ministry of Community Development and the Department of Social Services in Lusaka Zambia <p><em>The purpose of the study was to establish possible challenges in the implementation of the disability policy under the ministry of community development and the department of social services. The study used qualitative approach and adopted phenomenological research design. The sample for the study was 10 people with disabilities, 3 headteachers, 2 community development officers and 2 social welfare officers making the total sample of 17 participants. Data was collected using focus group discussion with people living with disabilities. The discussions were in three sessions because they were three in each session and the last session had four participants and data was analysed using thematic analysis. The study found that the challenges which were faced included lack of policy implementation due to lack of funding from stakeholders. </em><em>It was also found that the l</em><em>ack of special units in the main stream schools brought about exclusion of the children with disabilities because they cannot have equal access to education as other children. Therefore, the intra policy disagreements made the departments of different ministries dealing with people living with disabilities to wor</em><em>k</em><em> in isolation instead of coordinating activities. The lack of professional training for other government employees are enshrined in the </em><em>policy documents which tend not to have disability disaggregated data for the whole country. The study recommended that t</em><em>he universities and other professional institutions should ensure that they include a component of handling people with disabilities in their training packages so that they can make every profession to be aligned with the disability inclusion policy. This will enable all professional training for other government and public employees be inclusive. </em></p> M. Y. Mwalula, F. Simui, G. Muleya Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Strategic Measures for Effective Quality Control Management of Concrete Works in Anambra State, Nigeria <p><em>Concrete is universally the most common building material in Nigeria construction industry but had also been reported as one of the major causes of structural failure. However, in spite of the popularity of concrete structures, if not properly constructed and the quality maintained, it can deteriorate prematurely which is often referred to as our crumbling infrastructure. The study aimed at evaluating strategic measures for effective quality control management of concrete works in Anambra State, Nigeria. A survey research method was adopted for this study. Data was obtained through both primary and secondary sources. The population for this study comprises of registered construction professionals in Anambra state and was surveyed through a well structured questionnaire survey approach. Data generated were analyzed using Tables, Percentage, Ranking and Mean Score. A total of one hundred and fifty eight questionnaires were distributed to registered construction professionals in Anambra State and one hundred and twenty nine questionnaires were returned. The sample size for the study is therefore 129. The findings of the study revealed that quality concept, quality management system, quality control in construction, quality management standard, quality plan, professional regulatory bodies, companies own quality control document, various acts /decrees for construction professionals, the national building code, action to be taken at each stage are all quality control management strategies responsible for ensuring quality concrete works in buildings in the study area. The study also unveiled that quality concept is the most important strategic measure to ensure good quality of concrete elements and that there little or no enforcement from both Government and its Agencies on quality control of concrete elements in buildings industry in the study area. The study recommended that Government agencies, professionals and other key stakeholders need to implement regular inspections of stages of concrete works at building sites; to continuously survey and monitor concrete elements as to detect impending failure and also ensure that every quality control strategy should be covered in the aspect of concrete, provide effective guidance on the project to achieve quality concrete works.</em></p> Chiamaka Ogochukwu Obiora, Marykate Ngozi Okoye, Christopher Chidi Belonwu, Francisca Nkachukwu Okeke Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Third Romberg Extrapolate as a Numerical Integration <p><em>Modern techniques for quadrature include, but are not limited to, the Trapezium rule, the Midpoint rule, and Simpson’s rule. The accuracy of these methods can be improved by employing Romberg’s method. This is achieved by applying each method to a definite integral, subdividing it into multiple intervals, and then taking appropriate linear combinations of the resulting estimates to produce approximations with high-order accuracy. In this work, the third Romberg extrapolate is applied to a definite integral, and its solution is compared with the exact solution to demonstrate its accuracy</em><em>.</em></p> Grace O. Akinlabi Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Invitro-Virucidal and Anti-Microbial Activities of Phytochemical Extracts from Garlic (Allium Sativum) <p><em>The findings of the present study had demonstrated that the plant extract possesses anti-virucidal and anti-microbial activities according to standard screening tests and conventional accepted protocols. The results indicated that high yield of the extract was obtained at the end of the ethanol soxhlet extraction with the extract having greenish and smoothly textures. The phytochemical screening of methanolic and ethanolic extracts of <u>Allium Sativum</u> bulbs using soxhlet extraction method revealed the presence of tnnins, saponins and steroids in all the extracts. Flavonoid was present in ethanolic extract while alkaloid was present in methanolic extract. The results further revealed that <u>SPyogenes</u> was the most sensitive to the isolated compound while <u>E</u>. <u>Coli</u> was the least <u>Kpneumonia</u> showed high sensitivity to the isolated compound. The low concentration range for the MIC (2.1-uglml-4.0 uglml) and the MBC (2.uglml-18uglml) generally exhibited marked anti-bacterial activities and anti-virucidal potential against the susceptible organisms.</em></p> Matthew C. Okafor, Wufem Buba, Patience Igeh, Mary Istifanus, Choji Solomon , Larry Barde Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Changing Structure of Nigerian Federalism Since Independence <p><em>The structure of Nigerian federalism has undergone significant transformations since independence in 1960. This paper critically examines the evolution of state creation in Nigeria, focusing on three distinct phases: the pre-independence demand for more states, state creation under civilian governments, and the more pronounced state creation under military regimes. The study employs a historical-analytical approach to explore the socio-political and economic drivers of state creation during these periods and their implications for federalism in Nigeria. The findings reveal that while state creation was initially motivated by the need for equitable representation and resource allocation, it gradually evolved into a tool for political control and patronage. The paper concludes by analyzing the impact of these structural changes on national integration, governance, and regional development, offering recommendations for the future restructuring of the Nigerian federation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Adesoji Adeokin Adebayo, Mayowa Christopher Ojo Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Spatial Politics of Cogon Market: Exploring how Physical Layout Reinforces Stratification <p><em>This study explores the relationship between spatial organization and economic stratification among vendors in Cogon Market, Cagayan de Oro City. Employing qualitative research methods, including non-obtrusive observation and in-depth interviews with six participants, the research investigates how the vendors' economic capacities influence their positioning within the market's spatial layers. The findings reveal that while spatial organization does not directly determine stratification, it indirectly affects it through the vendors' pre-established economic situations. Vendors with stronger economic capacities occupy more advantageous positions within the market, offering greater opportunities for upward mobility, whereas those in the outermost layers face challenges influenced by weakened economic statuses, exacerbated by political activities. &nbsp;These insights highlight the nuanced interplay between spatial dynamics and economic stratification, suggesting that further research into the political influences on the market's spatial and economic structures is warranted.</em></p> John Mari Migallon , Elpidio Requiz , Florie Jane M. Tamon Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Ameliorating Students’ Cognitive Engagement and Critical Thinking in Chemistry: Testing the Potency of Practical-Based and Discussion-Based <p><em>This research investigated if either Practical-Based Approach (PBA) or Discussion-Based Approach (DBA) could be more effective in ameliorating students’ cognitive engagement and critical thinking ability in Chemistry. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design. Chemistry Cognitive Engagement Inventory (CCEI) and Critical Thinking Ability Test (CTAT) were the instruments used for data collection. The reliability index of CCEI was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha, which gave reliability value of 0.86. The internal consistency of CTAT was tested using Kuder-Richardson (KR-21) formula which yielded a reliability value of 0.92. The population is 6,837 SS2 students offering chemistry in SSS in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Using multi-stage sampling techniques, a sample of 166 students drawn from 4 schools in Dekina LGA was selected. Two research questions and four null hypotheses guided the study. The research questions were answered using Mean and Standard Deviation scores while the null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using results from Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The study revealed that, the </em><em>difference </em><em>in the cognitive engagement and critical thinking ability of students taught chemistry using PBA and those taught using DBA was statistically significant in favour of PBA respectively {</em><em>F<sub>1, 165 </sub>=138.100, P&lt;0.05} </em><em>{</em><em>F<sub>1, 165 </sub>=</em><em>188.900</em><em>, P&lt;0.05}</em><em>. There is no significant interaction effect of approaches and gender on the cognitive engagement and critical thinking ability of students in chemistry respectively {</em><em>F<sub>1, 165 </sub>=</em><em>1.765</em><em>, P&gt;0.05} </em><em>{</em><em>F<sub>1, 165 </sub>=</em><em>5.005</em><em>, P&gt;0.05}</em><em>. </em><em>It was recommended among others that; </em><em>Chemistry teachers should be encouraged to use PBA during chemistry instruction to ameliorate </em><em>students’ </em><em>cognitive engagement and critical thinking ability.</em></p> Victor Oluwatosin Ajayi, Lawrence Achimugu, Christina Tanko Audu Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Techno-Educo Integration in Current Scenario <p><em>Current time of globalization demands technology education integration for development of humanity by offering education at every door step in inclusive and efficient manner using different alternatives. The present article “Techno-Educo integration in current scenario” explores role of technological development to be used in education for better learning outcomes especially after covid-19 where digital technology has been proved to recover gap between learners and teachers in very smart, intelligent, efficient and attractive way offering multiple dimensions in teaching and learning. Technology has revolutionized teaching methods making teaching easy, smart, fun loving, fearless, repeatable, child centered, cost effective and promised for quality education. Digital classroom is offering better leaning outcome, engagement, collaboration, flexible education and utilization of latest digital resources without any gender biasing depicting barrier less education to all at global level. Educational apps represent technological involvement in education in terms of software making it easier and more affordable to all. Govt. of INDIA has also developed multiple apps and portals for promoting inclusive and quality education to all with help of information and communication technology (ICT). Media has also enlarged its space using technology and offered multiple places like blogs, digital story and multiple social media platforms for leaning, management, sharing of ideas, views, creativity and other digital information without any constraints. Various application of Techno-Educo integration is also discussed like convenient and innovative teaching learning, blended teaching, distance and e-leaning, teaching for CWSN, flexible and inclusive leaning style and many others exploring its importance according to current demands. The dark side of technology is also enlightened keeping in mind importance for safe and secure utilization of technology.</em></p> Rama Shanker Yadav, Pratibha Yadav Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Anti-Corruption Education for Catechumens <p><em>Research with the theme of anti-corruption education for catechumens examines two things, namely why anti-corruption education material is given to catechumens and how catechumens view this material considering that they are only preparing themselves to fulfill the requirements for the sacrament of holy communion. The research method used is qualitative research. The data used are primary and secondary. The results showed (a) that the church seeks to empower and prepare church members to play an active role in the life of the nation and state. The church is called to convey its prophetic voice to realize the welfare of society. (b) Anti-corruption education for catechumens is urgent and relevant because they are part of society that has a role in preventing and eradicating corruption. As agents of change in society, Catechumens can show their existence as bearers of good news. This means that catechumens must endeavor to be part of the solution to the problems experienced by the people, nation, and state of Indonesia. The church is not a corruption-free area and can even be a safe area for corruption because of the forgiving character of the church. So, this material is very urgent and relevant to help create an attitude of concern for the impact caused by anti-corruption, and (c) The catechumens' view of the anti-corruption education material provided to them as a step forward because the impact of corruption is felt by the whole community including the church and catechumens so that apart from increasing knowledge, they also actualize anti-corruption values in their daily lives.</em></p> Delorens Lorentje Naomi Bessie Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Utilization and Efficiency of eLearn Functionalities in a University <p><em>This study determined the utilization, satisfaction and perceived efficiency of the eLearning portal in a university known as eLearn. It is a web-based learning management system to aid classroom instruction that fosters self-directed learning. The mixed method of research was used in this study and utilized the researcher-made questionnaire as the main instrument. This employed the quota sampling procedure.&nbsp; A total of 376 out of 9,130 college students were the participants of this study. The statistical tools utilized in the study consisted of Descriptive Statistics such as mean, standard deviations, frequency and percentages to describe the variables. Spearman’s rho (</em> <em>) was also utilized to determine the relationship of the variables under study. The findings revealed that the majority of the participants used eLearn, found it beneficial to their studies, were satisfied with the eLearn functionalities and perceived the functionalities as highly efficient.&nbsp; The students' utilization of eLearn and satisfaction with the system's functionalities were not significantly associated with their perceived efficiency of the system. This implies that mere utilization of the eLearn does not predict their perception of efficiency.&nbsp; The study concludes that eLearn in the university can be an effective tool in the teaching and learning processes and in the delivery of information resources. However, there is a need to encourage more teachers to maximize the utilization of this E-Learning portal. Furthermore, the study recommends that the findings be revealed to the administrators, Computing and Information Services Office, faculty and librarians so that through their combined efforts there would be more use of the eLearn.</em></p> Rule P. Redondo, Eloiza P. Tagarda, Leonita C. Sumalinog Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Authoritarian Parenting Styles and Social Behaviours of French Students in the Universities in Ekiti State <p><em>The paper examined authoritarian parenting styles and social behaviour of French Students in the Universities in Ekiti State. D</em><em>escriptive research design of the survey type was adopted for the study. The population for the study consisted of all adolescents French Students in three Universities in Ekiti State.</em><em> 200 adolescent French Students were selected from three Universities in Ekiti State. 50 were selected through simple random sampling technique from each of the Universities. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (Spearman rank and Pearson correlation) statistics. The study revealed that, the majority of parents of adolescent French Students in the three Universities use authoritative parenting style. Again, most of the French Students in the Universities selected have high social development. There was a weak positive non-significant relationship between parenting styles and cooperation of the students (r = 0.260, sig= 0.000).There was a weak negative significant relationship between parenting style and humility of the students (r = 0.008, sig r = 0.910). There was a significant difference between authoritarian parenting style and empathy of the students (r = 0.126, significant relationship 0.076) lastly, there was a significant difference between authoritarian parenting style and peer group (r = 0.157*, sig r = 0026) It was recommended among others that, parents in the district are educated through District Assembly policies and programmes on the importance and influence of their parenting styles. Also, the local government chiefs, parents, and teachers should put in measures to ensure the continuous and optimum social development of Secondary School Students.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Christian Junior Ayodele, Felicia Olufemi Olaseinde, Christianah Olufunbi Akinbebije Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Strengthening Institutional Sustainability and Stakeholder Alignment: An Assessment of Perceptions and Support for Initao College, Misamis Oriental <p><em>This study investigates the perceptions and socio-political support of external stakeholders toward Initao College, a locally funded college in Misamis Oriental, Philippines. Utilizing purposive sampling, 80 respondents from four stakeholder groups—students, alumni, parents, and residents—were selected to participate in the research. The data was collected using the Institutional Sustainability Survey, which assesses the effectiveness of the institution’s programs and services across five key result areas outlined by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). These areas include Governance and Management, Quality of Teaching and Learning, Professional Exposure and Research, Support for Students, and Community Relations. The results highlight the need for improvements in stakeholder awareness of the college’s Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO). Recommendations include enhancing communication strategies, aligning perceptions through workshops, increasing the visibility of VMGO, fostering greater stakeholder involvement, and strengthening community engagement. Additionally, the study recommends establishing a system for regular feedback to guide the institution’s continuous improvement efforts. The findings suggest that more comprehensive strategies for engagement and communication are essential for Initao College’s institutional sustainability and stakeholder alignment.</em></p> Elpidio P. Requiz Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Domestic Violence and Its Effects on Academics Performance of Secondary School Students in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria <p><em>Domestic violence is a pervasive societal challenge with significant effects for student development and academic performance. This study investigates the impact of domestic violence on the academic performance of secondary school students in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study specifically examines the prevalence and forms of domestic violence, its effects on academic outcomes, and the broader influence on students' educational achievements, while offering actionable recommendations to address the issue. The research employs a descriptive survey design, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data from a representative sample of secondary school students, teachers, and community stakeholders. Structured questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions were the primary tools used to collect data. The sample was selected using a multi-stage sampling technique to ensure diversity and inclusivity. Statistical analyses, including descriptive and inferential statistics, were applied to interpret the findings. The study adopted behavioural theory as theoretical framework. The study reveals a high prevalence of domestic violence among secondary school students in Ikere-Ekiti, with physical, emotional, and psychological abuse being the most common forms. The findings indicate that students exposed to domestic violence often exhibit poor academic performance, including lower grades, absenteeism, and reduced classroom participation. Furthermore, the study identifies that the trauma and stress associated with domestic violence significantly impair students’ cognitive abilities, concentration, and overall motivation to learn. Based on these findings, the study recommends the implementation of comprehensive support systems for affected students, including counseling services, teacher training on identifying and addressing domestic violence cases, and fostering safe school environments. It also advocates for stronger community awareness campaigns and policy interventions by the government to curb domestic violence and its adverse effects.</em></p> Clement Oladayo Daramola Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluating Impact of Agricultural Land Use on CO₂ Sequestration and Oxygen Release: A Case Study in Aranyik Subdistrict, Thailand <p><em>This study investigates the impact of various agricultural land use practices on CO₂ sequestration and oxygen release in Aranyik Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand. The region, characterized by lowland plains and a network of canals, supports diverse agricultural activities, with rice paddies dominating the landscape. Our analysis revealed significant variability in biomass distribution and carbon sequestration potential across different land use types. Eucalyptus plantations demonstrated the highest CO₂ sequestration and oxygen release rates, highlighting their role in climate change mitigation. However, the ecological implications of such monocultures, including water consumption and soil health, warrant careful consideration. In contrast, other land use types, such as mixed grasslands, lime orchards, and rice fields, exhibited lower sequestration rates but are crucial for maintaining biodiversity and supporting sustainable land management. This study underscores the importance of integrated land use strategies that balance carbon storage with ecological health, providing valuable insights for regional land use policy and climate change mitigation efforts. Further research should explore temporal land use changes and their broader environmental impacts to enhance the sustainability of agricultural practices in the region.</em></p> Gitsada Panumonwatee, Rudklow Premprasit, Savent Pampasit Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Supply Chain Ambidexterity and Supply Chain Performance: The Moderating Role of Firm Innovation. A Case Study of Some Selected Manufacturing Firms in The Greater Accra Region of Ghana <p><em>This study explored the relationship between supply chain ambidexterity, firm innovation, and supply chain performance among 161 manufacturing firms in Ghana. The main focus was to understand how firm innovation affects the link between ambidexterity and performance. Key findings include: (1) supply chain ambidexterity alone did not significantly impact performance, contradicting assumptions; (2) firm innovation capabilities, surprisingly, had a negative effect on performance, suggesting a need for better innovation alignment; and (3) innovation positively moderated the relationship between ambidexterity and performance, showing that combining innovation with ambidexterity can improve outcomes. Recommendations for managers emphasize the importance of aligning innovation strategies with supply chain goals and balancing exploration and exploitation activities. Future research should consider long-term studies, multi-region comparisons, and diverse data sources to increase validity. Overall, the study refines the understanding of how innovation and ambidexterity interact to enhance supply chain performance.</em></p> Felix Owusu-Ansah Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Accounting Transformation in the Ongoing Era-Challenges and Opportunities <p style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Accounting profession is indelibly greeting novel paradigms and approaching swings thrusted by avant-garde technology, policy reforms, and morphing business. Practice-based handiwork breeds spurious and assiduous accounts, engrossed by multiple algorithmic screwups. Modern organizations pilot their accounting personnel to pursue escalated accounting and commercial intents, repudiating embryonic accounting systems to benchwarmer. This paper elucidates manifold challenges and opportunities springing in the 21<sup>st</sup>-century of accounting. Crux challenges embrace integration of advanced technologies, ensuring data security, revamping regulatory benchmark, and maneuvering maladroitness in manpower. However, these challenges also serve opportunities for augmenting dexterity, pellucidity, and veracity in accounts. Adoption of digitalization also accredits accountants to address strategic decision and quality services. This paradigm metamorphosis covets hustler drive to holistic education and attunement, cultivating cultural renaissance within accounting to meet expectations of mercurial socio-economic scenario. By studying the dynamics, the paper contemplates to illuminate how accountants and organizations can navigate and leverage the ongoing transformation in a framework to garner green development and uphold strategic edge in an ever-changing fintech ecosystem. </span></em></p> Pradip Kumar Das Copyright (c) 2025 Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Strategic Analysis for a Coffee Company– Part 1 <p><em>The purpose of this paper was to conduct a strategic analysis of a Coffee Company in Durban, South Africa. Environmental analysis tools were used such as PESTLE for a macro analysis and Porters Five Forces for a micro analysis in order to identify the factors that can impact the performance of this company. Porter’s value chain and SWOT analysis was used to devise a successful strategy for the future of the company. The significant findings revealed that </em><em>the Coffee Company </em><em>must focus on market expansion, franchising strategy and acquisition. A strategic plan to address these opportunities will be presented in a future paper.</em></p> Laran Chetty Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Foreign Exchange Market and Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria <p><em>In this paper, we explored the effect of exchange rate on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria from 1981 to 2022. The motivation for paper arises from the recurring exchange rate depreciation and the declining manufacturing sector performance in recent times. The study utilized the autoregressive distributed lag approach as an analytical technique. Findings from the study portrayed that exchange rate and interest rate exerted negative and significant effect on the manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria. Other key findings include the fact that both bank credit to the manufacturing sector and government expenditure exerted a positive and significant effect on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria during the study period. It was therefore recommended that exchange rate stability is necessary to curb the uncertainties associated with the import bill of pertinent inputs required by the manufacturing sector.</em></p> Ubong Edem Effiong, Idongesit Justin Ukere, Ekpenyong Ame Ekpenyong Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Transport Management Practices and Safety Performance of Public Transport Organizations in Nairobi <h1><span style="font-size: 14px;">Road accidents cost the country, as is the case in other developing jurisdictions across the world, a loss of over 4% of the GDP. In Kenya, road accidents have been on the rise unlike in some developed nations. A substantial percentage of the road accidents involve public service vehicles. The transport management practices that could influence road safety performance of public sector organizations is yet to be empirically examined. This study sought to examine the effect of e-transport, fleet maintenance, fleet monitoring, and fleet technical capacity in Kenya. The study collect data from the 64 public transport organizations in County of Nairobi. Data was analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistics; which was be used to test the hypothesis of the study. This study established that transport management practices have a significant and substantial effect on the safety performance of public transport organizations. The study however established that public transport organizations in the county of Nairobi have a significantly low level adoption of e-transport, fleet maintenance mechanisms, and very low crew qualification requirements. The study recommends that adoption to a higher level, of these practices, could significantly reduce the number of accidents involving public sector transport organizations in Kenya.</span></h1> Bishar Mohamed Adan, Kamoni Peter Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Threshold Level of Fiscal Policy Instruments that can Promote Economic Development in Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey <p><em>The paper determined the threshold level of fiscal policy instruments that can promote economic development in the MINT countries between 1981 and 2022 by the use of Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) technique to derive the estimates for threshold values of fiscal instruments</em><em>. It was revealed that the MINT countries exhibit symmetric relationship between government expenditure and unemployment, with positive shocks stimulating economic activity and negative shocks decreasing unemployment. The results also exhibited asymmetric relationship between fiscal variables and poverty rates as shocks to government expenditure, government revenue and public debt confer both positive and negative non-linear impact on poverty levels on these countries. Policymakers across the MINT countries should prioritize spending on programmes directly impacting poverty reduction, unemployment reduction and </em><em>improving the well-being of the citizens.</em></p> Monica Adele Orisadare, Olanipekun Emmanuel Falade, Kazeem Fasoye Copyright (c) 2025 Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000